This is a copy of the 'proposed constitution'. It will be ratified at our next AGM. If you have any idea or think a change is required please get in touch with any committee member BEFORE the next AGM. The items in colour are for ratification.
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The title of the Association shall be the ‘H.M.S Collingwood Association’. - AIMS AND OBJECTIVES.
The aims and objectives of the Association shall be:
a. To bring together in mutual friendship all those naval personnel who have served at H.M.S Collingwood either as a trainee or member of the ships company.
b. To assist each other as necessary.
c. To keep members in touch with one another and with association activities, news and information via the Association magazine, ‘The Shipmate’ and the website.
d. To establish and maintain links with the Royal Navy and other associations and suitable organisations. - MEMBERSHIP.
Membership is open to any person who has served at H.M.S Collingwood whether as a Royal Navy Trainee, RN/WRNS Ships Company or civilian. Associate Membership is available to wives, and to the spouse of a member who has ‘Crossed the Bar’; a son or daughter of former serving personnel. All Members and Associate Members are required to maintain the name of the H.M.S Collingwood with honour.
Both Members and Associate Members shall have full voting rights at the AGM. - MEETINGS
a. An Annual General Meeting shall be held, at which Members who have ‘Crossed the Bar’ will be remembered; the Treasurer shall present a financial report; Officers of the Association shall present reports on the area of their responsibility; a vote shall be held to elect the Officers and the Committee of the Association; matters arising from the last AGM discussed; AGM agenda items discussed; Any Other Business; Reunion dates and venues agreed.
b. Committee Meetings will be held as necessary.
a. The financial year shall run from 1st January to 31st December each year. - There is an annual subscription fee for both Members and Associate Members, which shall be determined each year at the AGM, and shall take effect from 1st January the following year.
c. The annual subscription shall fall due on the 1st January each year. Any new member joining during October, November and December shall have their joining fee waived until the following year. - DATA PROTECTION.
The Association shall abide by the provisions of the UK Data Protection Act 2018. - ASSOCIATION OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE.
The Officers of the Association may comprise the Committee; a member may hold more than one office; Associate members may also be an Officer. The Secretary, Treasurer and Archivist shall be four yearly posts, and the remainder of the Officers shall be elected annually.
The Officers of the Association shall be:
CHAIRMAN – Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Chairman shall represent the Association as appropriate, and have a casting vote at meetings in the event of parity of voting.
VICE-CHAIRMAN - Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Vice-Chairman shall represent the Chairman when the Chairman is unable to be present, resigns or ‘crosses the bar’. He shall have the same power as the Chairman until a new Chairman is elected.
SECRETARY - Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Secretary shall be responsible for dealing with the official correspondence of the Association, in conjunction with the Chairman, will convene meetings, issue notices of such meetings, produce agendas, keep and issue a true record of all meetings.
TREASURER - Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of the Association; he shall present an audited statement of accounts to the AGM. The Treasurer will also support the Membership Secretary in the collection of subscriptions.
MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY - Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Membership Secretary shall maintain and keep up to date the databases of the members; provide the Shipmate Editor/Web Master with the information necessary to maintain the website and Newsletter. The Membership Secretary shall also take an active role in recruiting new members.
SHIPMATE EDITOR/WEB MASTER - Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Shipmate Editor/Web Master will produce a regular issue of the Newsletter, ‘The Shipmate’. He shall publish on the website and send it to those members who do not have internet access or request a hard copy.
SLOPS AND CLOTHING MANAGER - Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Slops and Clothing Manager shall be responsible for the purchase and sale of all Association ties, badges, crests, clothing and memorabilia.
WELFARE OFFICER - Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Welfare Officer shall have a sympathetic ear for the members of the Association, and liaise as necessary with such organisations as SSFA, RNBT, The Royal Alfred Seafarers Society, The Royal British Legion and any other such agency available to help members in need.
ARCHIVIST – Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Archivist shall collect and maintain an inventory of photographs, artefacts, mementos, magazines and other such items given to the Association by its members and the public, given to the Association.
CHAPLAIN – It is recommended the Association seek a Chaplain to fill this as an honorary post, to look after the spiritual welfare of members and to arrange services as required. The appointment of the Chaplain will be approved by the AGM.
PRESIDENT – This is an honorary non-executive post. The President shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM.
CHAIRMAN – Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Chairman shall represent the Association as appropriate, and have a casting vote at meetings in the event of parity of voting.
VICE-CHAIRMAN - Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Vice-Chairman shall represent the Chairman when the Chairman is unable to be present, resigns or ‘crosses the bar’. He shall have the same power as the Chairman until a new Chairman is elected.
SECRETARY - Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Secretary shall be responsible for dealing with the official correspondence of the Association, in conjunction with the Chairman, will convene meetings, issue notices of such meetings, produce agendas, keep and issue a true record of all meetings.
TREASURER - Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of the Association; he shall present an audited statement of accounts to the AGM. The Treasurer will also support the Membership Secretary in the collection of subscriptions.
MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY - Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Membership Secretary shall maintain and keep up to date the databases of the members; provide the Shipmate Editor/Web Master with the information necessary to maintain the website and Newsletter. The Membership Secretary shall also take an active role in recruiting new members.
SHIPMATE EDITOR/WEB MASTER - Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Shipmate Editor/Web Master will produce a regular issue of the Newsletter, ‘The Shipmate’. He shall publish on the website and send it to those members who do not have internet access or request a hard copy.
SLOPS AND CLOTHING MANAGER - Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Slops and Clothing Manager shall be responsible for the purchase and sale of all Association ties, badges, crests, clothing and memorabilia.
WELFARE OFFICER - Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Welfare Officer shall have a sympathetic ear for the members of the Association, and liaise as necessary with such organisations as SSFA, RNBT, The Royal Alfred Seafarers Society, The Royal British Legion and any other such agency available to help members in need.
ARCHIVIST – Shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM. The Archivist shall collect and maintain an inventory of photographs, artefacts, mementos, magazines and other such items given to the Association by its members and the public, given to the Association.
CHAPLAIN – It is recommended the Association seek a Chaplain to fill this as an honorary post, to look after the spiritual welfare of members and to arrange services as required. The appointment of the Chaplain will be approved by the AGM.
PRESIDENT – This is an honorary non-executive post. The President shall be proposed and elected by members at the AGM.