Welcome to the official site of HMS Collingwood Association
The association is open to all personnel who have served in HMS Collingwood since it started as a training establishment during World War 2.
The aim of the Association is to maintain links with the current establishment for all personnel who have served in HMS Collingwood, regardless of branch or employment.
We meet for an AGM at venues around the UK which includes planned visits to places of interest, dinner dance and hotel stay over a weekend.
A magazine, Shipmate,is also produced twice a year and sent to all members by e-mail or, if necessary, a hard copy can be sent by post if requested.
Should you wish to join us or want more information please contact any of the committee whose details can be found on other pages.
Thank you for visiting our site. We hope that you will consider joining us and share yourHMS Collingwood days/experiences with us.