2018 AGM
- Chairman’s Welcome
Don Edwards the Vice Chairman took the meeting and welcomed those present. He expressed his and the committee’s disappointment at the poor turnout again this year, (seventeen including wives). He also said that, although not on the agenda, the Constitution needed to be addressed. - Apologies for Absence
S/M’s Dennis Patterson, Peter Edmonson and Michael Gilboy. - Election of Officers
The Vice Chairman said the Constitution was ambiguous over terms in office, but that we would go with what we have and look at it later.
Chairman – The Vice Chairman gave thanks to the previous Chairman, Mike Crowe, for all he had done. S/M Derek Moore asked S/M Don Edwards if he would have any objections to taking on the role of Chairman, and upon receiving confirmation that he had none, proposed he be elected as Chairman, this was seconded by S/M Geoff Goat and was unanimously carried.
Vice Chairman – The Chairman asked whether we needed a Vice Chairman, as this position is not referenced in the Constitution, but the meeting felt that it would be advisable to keep this position. S/M Derek Moore said he was willing to help and was asked if he would take on this role, he affirmed he would. The Chairman proposed he be elected, and this was seconded by S/M Geoff Goat and was unanimously carried. - Minutes of 2017 AGM
S/M Derek Moore proposed the minutes be accepted, and S/M Geoff Goat seconded the proposal and it was unanimously carried. - Matters Arising
There was a lengthy discussion on the subject of poor attendances and Reunion locations. Many people are paying subs but get nothing to show for it! Resulting from the Committee Meeting last October, S/M Roger Birkett analysed the distribution of the membership, and found that the bulk came from the South East. Eighty attended the Sittingbourne reunion, therefore should we hold them in the South East? (Further discussion on venues will be conducted at agenda point 11 below). It was suggested we send a ‘direct question’ to all members ‘Do you want to attend reunions?’ Many members are no longer able to travel, and one who was present said how difficult it was on the train, especially when travelling to a location where changes of trains are necessary – it’s a real hassle! He also pointing out that many associations were dying out due to the age of the members. - Secretary, Membership Secretary and Welfare Officer’s Report
See attached report. - Treasurer’s Report
The Chairman thanked S/M Dennis Patterson, in his absence, for the great job he is doing as Treasurer and presented the report Dennis had provided. See Attached. - Archive
S/M Ken Waugh reported that he had lots of boxes full of old photographs, many of which he has on memory stick, and these were shown during the reunion. He has lots of group pictures from the official photographer; unfortunately however, most of them are undated. There are basic training photographs, but with no class numbers. S/M Roger Birkett said it may be possible to get in touch with the HMS Collingwood photographic department, and obtain class photographs.
S/M Ken Waugh also said he was going to get the Standard back from the person holding it in Hemel Hempstead. - Website and Shipmate
S/M Roger Birkett apologised for being late with the first issue of this year’s Shipmate. He has now put the spring edition on the website, but has had so little material provided to him for it, that he had resorted to writing about what he had done! More material is needed as the Shipmate has gone down to ten pages from twenty. Please let him have anything, e.g. runs ashore ditties etc. - Slops
S/M Roger Birkett reported on behalf of S/M Peter Edmonson, saying that the stock holding amounted to £1,648 – all that had been sold in the last year is one blazer badge and one polo shirt! - Future Venues
Last year at Southsea numbers were down.
S/M Ken Waugh proposed Portsmouth, as it is the home of the RN and close to HMS Collingwood. All those assembled considered this a good idea. He also highlighted the fact that the main problem was getting from the station to the hotel. It was stated that it would be very difficult to go down the route of helping with transport as everyone arrives at a different time.
Reimbursement of the costs to those who attend was discussed, in order to help those who found the cost of reunions prohibitive. This will have to be put to the whole membership for consideration.
We need to go to the whole membership, to ask if Portsmouth should be the venue for all future reunions, and ask whether is March/April is the right time of the year to be holding them.
It was also suggested that we hold our reunions at the same venue and time of year as the ‘Greenie Association’, to boost numbers and keep the reunion viable. Their reunion is held in the autumn. Merging with the ‘greenies’ could also be an option, but that would mean the loss of identity of one or other of the Associations. One person present said we should merge, as we are all people who have passed through HMS Collingwood. - Any Other Business
The Chairman said the Constitution needed to be addressed, but added that we had run out of time to do this now. It was suggested we have a brief meeting about it after dinner on Sunday evening. - Date of next Reunion
Early April 2019 was decided for the next reunion, and that we keep the format the same, and that also go the dockyard church for the Sunday morning service, and arrange to visit the local RNA afterwards. - Close of Meeting
The Chairman thanked all those present for attending and closed the meeting and announced ‘Up Spirits’.
Peter Lacey, Secretary & Membership Secretary.
New Members since last AGM Resignations since last AGM Lapsed /No Subs paid
1 1 0
Current Number of Members
We currently have 120 registered members.
Committee Meeting
The committee met at the Union Jack Club to discuss the poor attendance at recent reunions, the response to the survey and ways of invigorating the Association. During the meeting it was discovered that IOW Tours had done nothing to arrange this year’s reunion, and when challenged they advised us they had not been asked or requested a venue! Action was taken to rectify this, but it proved difficult to find a suitable venue at what was effectively short notice.
A number of actions were identified, to try to resolve the current problems and grow the Association, some of which have been completed. A large number of actions fell on the Secretary, and I must apologise that, due to personal circumstances, I have not been able to progress them properly.
We clearly need the support and help of the membership to enable the Association to survive!
Peter Lacey
Secretary & Membership Secretary
17th April 2018
Brief notes of a discussion on the Constitution following dinner on Sunday 22nd April
During the AGM it been suggested that we meet after dinner on 22nd April to discuss the Constitution. There were ten who gathered around the table, which included all the committee members who were at the reunion.
The following points were raised:
Peter Lacey
Secretary and Membership Secretary
4th May 2018
Brief notes of a discussion on the Constitution following dinner on Sunday 22nd April
During the AGM it been suggested that we meet after dinner on 22nd April to discuss the Constitution. There were ten who gathered around the table, which included all the committee members who were at the reunion.
The following points were raised:
- A statement on data protection is required.
- Periods in office need to be looked at.
- The office Vice Chairman should be added? Covered by ‘catch-all’ note at the bottom of page 3!
- Election of Chairman/Vice Chairman should not be in the same year.
- Election of Secretary/ Treasurer should not be in the same year.
- Newsletter Editor should be amended to reflect Website/Shipmate.
- Voting right should be given to Associate Members.
- Should all fee paying people be considered as full members?
- Need to get data protection forms out to all members.
- Amend list of committee members.
Peter Lacey
Secretary and Membership Secretary
4th May 2018