HMS Collingwood AGM 2017 at Tillington Hall Stafford
- Chairman's Welcome. As the Chairman and Secretary, Mike Crowe was again absent S/M Don Edwards chaired the meeting and S/M Roger Birkett took the minutes. The chairman welcomed those present and expressed his and the committee's disappointment at the low turnout yet again. (only 18)
- Apologies for absence. S/M's Vivienne and Peter Lacey and S/M Mike Nicholson (Due to family bereavement)
- Minutes of 2016 meeting. As we still have no answers from our Chairman for some of the points raised ;-
a) One of the changes was the Reunion Date to the end of April. This year it has fallen on a bank holiday weekend and may be partially to blame for the abysmal turnout. Next years will be better planned. ( Easter is in April)
b)The Collingwood Corner Memorial Day was attended by S/M's Peter Lacey, S/M Roger Birkett and their wives, We were well received and a poppy wreath with our logo was laid at the memorial. We have contacts now and so can attend if anyone would like to.
c) Amalgamation with the “Greenies”has stalled.They have their ways and we have ours. We are still awaiting feedback from our Chairman.
d) Vice Chairman Don Edwards investigated the chances of a discount into the dockyard. They cannot give it to every association. If you are a member of the RNA or married to a wren or ex wren discount can be applied.
e) Arboretum Memorial. This is going to prove too expensive now that RBL have taken charge and the arboretum is now a business. It will cost $3000 just to wash the memorial and cut the grass around it. It was put to the floor by S/M Derek Moore and seconded by S/M Barry Lovatt that the project be abandoned. The proposal was carried. - Archivists Report. S/M Ken Waugh states his collection of photo's is large but they are not dated. This makes it almost impossible to answer requests for photos of Collingwood trainees. He is attempting , however, to put them in order.
- Treasurers Report. S/M Dennis Patterson has presented an Audited Report (see Attached). There are at least 19 Members with unpaid subs. As previous voting these will have their membership terminated after this AGM.
- Website and Magazine. S/M Roger Birkett repeated his request for items for use in the magazine.
- Slops. S/M Peter Edmondson is slowly reducing his stock. He will provide a new tie / brooch to all attending the next AGM.
- Membership Secretary & Welfare Secretary Report. S/M's Peter & Vivienne Lacy sent a report in their absence. A copy is attached.
a) Due to the Chairmans continuing absence and apparent lack of communication a vote of 'no confidence' in him was proposed and carried unanimously. It was also proposed by S/M Derek Moore & S/M Barry Lovatt that a new constitution be drawn up and ratified at the next AGM. This was also carried unanimously. - The committee will seek a venue to conduct this at which ALL members will be invited to attend.
b) The raffle was conducted by S/M Derek Moore and raised $100.00 to be donated to The Collingwood Memorial Fund. Dennis has done this and we have received a 'Thank you”from Stuart Adam, see flash signals.
The next AGM will be held in Torquay on April 13th or 20th 2018.
Roger Birkett.